
Getting started


This page describes the installation and configuration steps of phpAnalytics software.

If you're not familiar with the instructions on this page, we offer installation Services, for an additional fee.


Before installing the software, please make sure your server meets the requirements below.

Software Modules
PHP 8.1.x BCMath, Ctype, Fileinfo, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, GD, cURL
Apache 2+ mod_rewrite
MySQL 5.7.7+
MariaDB 10.3.17+


Creating the database

  1. Create a new MySQL database.
  2. Create a new MySQL username and password.
  3. Assign full privileges to your database username.

Uploading the files

Before starting to upload the files, please make sure your file explorer has the option to view hidden files turned on. On some operating systems, the dotfiles are hidden by default.

Upload what's inside the Software folder on the web root folder of your domain. This folder is generally called public_html, html, or, but depending on your server's configuration, it might be named differently.

Configuring the files

Set the access permissions (CHMOD) to 775 to the following files and folders:

  • Files
    • .env
  • Folders
    • bootstrap/cache
    • lang
    • public/uploads/brand
    • storage
    • storage/framework/
    • storage/framework/cache
    • storage/framework/cache/data
    • storage/framework/sessions
    • storage/framework/views
    • storage/logs

Changing the public directory

Configure your web server's document / web root to point to the /public directory of the software. For example, if you've uploaded the software in folder, your web directory should be changed to folder.

Finishing the installation

  1. Go to and follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.
  2. After you've installed the software, login into your user account.
  3. Once logged-in, go to and activate your License Key.


Cron job

The software requires a cron job task to be set up on your server in order to automate some of its functions.

  1. Go to Admin Settings Cron job.
  2. Copy the Command field and set up a cron job for it that runs every minute.


  1. Go to Admin Settings Email.
  2. Change the Driver field value to SMTP.
  3. Fill in the rest of the fields with the SMTP credentials from your SMTP provider.



  1. Login into your Google Cloud Console account.
  2. Create a New Project.
  3. Go to APIs and Services.
  4. From the sidebar, go to OAuth Consent Screen section.
  5. Set the User Type field value to External and click on Create button.
  6. Fill in your app details, and click on Save and continue button.
  7. On the Scopes section, click on Add or remove scopes button and select the and userinfo.profile scopes, and complete the remaining steps.
  8. From the sidebar, go to Credentials section.
  9. Click on Create credentials button and then select OAuth client ID.
  10. Set the Application type field value to Web application.
  11. On the Authorized redirect URIs field paste your redirect URL, which can be found in Admin Settings Authentication Google.
  12. Copy the Client ID and the Client secret in Admin Settings Authentication Google.


  1. Login into your Microsoft Azure account.
  2. Go to App registrations and click on New registration button.
  3. Set the Supported account types field value to Personal Microsoft accounts only.
  4. Set the Platform field to Web, and on the Redirect URI field paste your redirect URL, which can be found in Admin Settings Authentication Microsoft.
  5. Go to App registrations, click on All applications tab, and select your application.
  6. Copy the Application (client) ID in Admin Settings Authentication Microsoft.
  7. From the sidebar, go to Certificates & secrets section, and then click on the New client secret button.
  8. Copy the Client secret Value in Admin Settings Authentication Microsoft.


  1. Login into your Apple developer account.
  2. Go to Apple Membership section.
  3. Copy the Team ID in Admin Settings Authentication Apple.
  4. Go to Identifiers and then click on the Plus button.
  5. Register a new App ID, with the Sign in with Apple feature enabled under the Capabilities field.
  6. Go to Identifiers section, and then click on the Plus button.
  7. Register a new Service ID, and then select it from the list.
  8. Enable the Sign in with Apple option, and click on Configure button, and on the Return URLs field paste your redirect URL, which can be found on Admin Settings Authentication Apple.
  9. Copy the Service ID Identifier in Admin Settings Authentication Apple.
  10. Go to Keys section, and then click on the Plus button.
  11. Enable the Sign in with Apple option, and click on Configure button, and set the Primary App ID, and create your key.
  12. Copy the Key ID in Admin Settings Authentication Apple.
  13. Click on the Download button, and with a text editor open the downloaded file, and copy the Private key content in Admin Settings Authentication Apple.



  1. Login into your Google reCAPTCHA account.
  2. Click on Create button to register a new site.
  3. Set the reCAPTCHA type field value to Challenge (v2), and then to Invisible reCAPTCHA badge, and fill in the rest of the fields.
  4. Copy the Site key and the Secret key in Admin Settings Captcha.
  5. Change the Driver field value to reCAPTCHA in Admin Settings Captcha.


  1. Login into your hCaptcha account.
  2. Create a new Site.
  3. Fill all the other fields with the requested information.
  4. Copy the Site key in Admin Settings Captcha.
  5. From the Settings page, copy the Secret key in Admin Settings Captcha.
  6. Change the Driver field value to hCaptcha in Admin Settings Captcha.


  1. Login into your Cloudflare account.
  2. From the sidebar, go to the Turnstile section.
  3. Click on Add site.
  4. Set the Widget Mode field value to Invisible, and fill in the rest of the fields.
  5. Copy the Site key and the Secret key in Admin Settings Captcha.
  6. Change the Driver field value to Turnstile in Admin Settings Captcha.

Payment processors

To enable any of the payment processors, an Extended license is required. The payment processors can be enabled from Admin Settings Payment processors.


  1. Login into your PayPal account.
  2. Go to the My apps & credentials section, click on Live button and then on the Create app button.
  3. Copy the Client ID and Secret in Admin Settings Payment processors PayPal.
  4. Go to the My apps & credentials section, click on Live button and then select your app.
  5. Scroll down to LIVE WEBHOOKS and click on the Add webhook button.
  6. On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL, this can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors PayPal.
  7. Under the Events types select All events and save your changes.
  8. Go to the My apps & credentials section, click on Live button and then select your app.
  9. Copy the Webhook ID in Admin Settings Payment processors PayPal.


  1. Login into your Stripe account.
  2. From the menu bar, go to the Developers section of the Stripe dashboard and click on API Keys.
  3. Copy the Publishable key and Secret key in Admin Settings Payment processors Stripe.
  4. From the menu bar, go to the Developers section of the Stripe dashboard and click on Webhooks.
  5. Click on Add a new endpoint.
  6. On the Endpoint URL field paste your webhook URL, which can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors Stripe.
  7. On the events to listen to field, click on Select all events, and click on Add events button.
  8. Click on Add endpoint button to create your webhook endpoint.
  9. Copy the Signing secret in Admin Settings Payment processor Stripe.


  1. Login into your Razorpay account.
  2. From the menu bar, go to the Settings section of the Razorpay dashboard and click on API Keys.
  3. Click on Generate key button.
  4. Copy the Key ID and Key secret in Admin Settings Payment processors Razorpay.
  5. From the menu bar, go to the Settings section of the Razorpay dashboard and click on Webhooks.
  6. Click on Add new webhook.
  7. On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL, which can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors Razorpay.
  8. On the Secret field add your own secret passcode.
  9. On the Active events field select all the Payment events and Subscription events.
  10. Click on Create webhook button to create your webhook endpoint.
  11. Copy the Secret passcode in Admin Settings Payment processor Razorpay.


  1. Login into your Paystack account.
  2. From the menu bar, go to the Settings section of the Paystack dashboard and click on API Keys & Webhooks.
  3. Copy the Public key and Secret key in Admin Settings Payment processors Paystack.
  4. From the menu bar, go to the Settings section of the Paystack dashboard and click on API Keys & Webhooks.
  5. On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL, which can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors Paystack.


  1. Login into your Coinbase account.
  2. From the sidebar, go to the Settings section of the Coinbase dashboard and scroll down to API keys.
  3. Create an API key, and copy the key in Admin Settings Payment processors Coinbase.
  4. From the sidebar, go to the Settings section of the Coinbase dashboard and scroll down to Webhook subscriptions.
  5. Click on Add an endpoint.
  6. On the Endpoint URL field paste your webhook URL, this can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors Coinbase.
  7. From the sidebar, go to the Settings section of the Coinbase dashboard and scroll down to Webhook subscriptions.
  8. Click on Show shared secret.
  9. Copy the Webhook shared secret in Admin Settings Payment processors Coinbase.

  1. Login into your account.
  2. From the menu bar, go to the Integrations section of the dashboard and click on API Keys.
  3. Copy the Publishable key and Secret key in Admin Settings Payment processors
  4. From the menu bar, go to the Integrations section of the dashboard and click on Webhooks.
  5. Click on Add webhook button.
  6. On the Payload URL field paste your webhook URL, which can be found on Admin Settings Payment processors
  7. Copy the Signature secret in Admin Settings Payment processor


  • All fields are optional.


Backing up

Before updating the software, you must make a complete backup of your website.

If you've made any modifications to the software's files, your changes will be lost.


  1. Make a backup of the .env config file located on your server.
  2. Upload and replace all the files on your server with what's inside the Software folder.
  3. Restore your .env config file on your server.
  4. Go to and follow the update wizard.1
  1. Updates that do not have database changes, will not show up in the update wizard.


  • I have a support inquiry, a question or a problem, how can I contact you?

    You can contact us here.
  • What hosting do you recommend?

    We recommend using DigitalOcean, as they offer great performance and flexibility at an affordable price.
  • Is installation included in the price?

    No, installation is not included. We offer installation services for an extra fee, please consult our Services section for more details.
  • How can I translate my website?

    Make a copy of the default en.json language file found in /lang folder, and change it according to your needs.
  • Where can I add my custom CSS code?

    You can add your custom CSS code in Admin Settings Appearance Custom CSS field.
  • Where can I add my custom JS code?

    You can add your custom JS code in Admin Settings General Custom JS field.
  • Where can I add my advertising unit code?

    Advertising unit code can be added in the HTML template files.
  • Where do I find the HTML template files?

    The HTML template files can be found in the /resources/views folder. For example to edit the home page, you would edit the /resources/views/home/index.blade.php file.
  • How can I create a custom page?

    You can create custom page in Admin Pages.
  • Where can I set up my Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Cookies Policy URL pages?

    You can paste the links of your legal pages in Admin Settings Legal.